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Fur Ironing Machine

Thegreatadvantage of thisnewly-producedmachine is itsabilitytoopenupwoolenskinswhetherdyedorundyed.Allkinds of sheepfurskinsandgameanimalsaresuitableforironing

Heatindicator on thecollectortemperature is homogeneousandshowesthevalue of theactualheat.

As perorder can be manufacture as 400mm

WorkingWidth 600mm
Drive Pneumatical
ApproximateHourlyProduction 60-120 deri/skins
MaxHeatingPower 13 kW
CylinderDrivingPower 5,5 kW
ExhausterDrivingPower 1,1 kW
CompressedAirPressure 2/5 kg/cm2
CompressedAirConsumption 40/120 l.p.m.
Net Weight 860 kg
Total InstalledPower 19,6 kW
Dimentions (L*W*H) 1580*1450*1250