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About Us

Vardar Tannery Machinery has been established in 1996 by 15 year experience. Secondhand machines have reconditioned and repaired in the begining years of the company.


Today, Vardar Tannery Machines still reconditions secondhand machines there withall, manufactures new tannery machines and develops private automation tannery systems by 37-year experience and knowledge. Its range of quality products contains all machines for all leather processing stage.


60% of manufactured machines is exported from Turkey to whole World; Russia, Israel, Iran, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, Lebanon, Jordan, Syria, Romania, Kenya, Bulgaria, South Africa, Senegal, Italy, Spain, USA, Poland, Germany, Greece, Pakistan, India and New Zealand.

Why Choose Us

Vardar Tannery Machines supplies new and secondhand reconditioned machines as from Fleshing machine to spraying machine.Electronic and hydraulic systems are used on convenient machines and lubricating systems,which are effected on durability of machines,are under protection by added special parts.After these processes, the machine could be used year-on-year without any problem.
Vardar Tannery Machines workers are dynamic,educated and have technical experience.They follow new techniques and use them during their manufacturing process.

Why You Should Work With Us.

We keep customer satisfaction first.

We listen to your wishes and work out results-oriented.

Customer Relations.

Sahip oldugumuz tecrübe ile müsterilerimizin isteklerine kulak vermemiz.

Work Experience

Providing economic opportunities Working results-oriented.


Solution Oriented

Completed Project



Happy Customer


